"Women doing their own Thang!"
Going at it on your own takes courage and fearlessness…two things that many people lack in this world. So that’s why we wanted to feature women who, either by choice or unforeseen circumstances like divorce, took the leap and did their own THANG!
I could certainly relate to this topic because that’s exactly what I did. My entire career I had worked as a television journalist with established networks around the world. It was structured and very safe. But the yearning inside me to do something different, something positive kept growing until one day, I had the light bulb moment to start what is now “The May Lee Show”. Of course, I’ve had my share and continue to have my share of ups and downs as an entrepreneur. But that’s part of the process and ask anyone who has struck out on their own, especially women, how they feel and they will tell you that they have total fulfillment and satisfaction like never before. Why? Because for the first time you feel a sense of total ownership for something that you have absolute passion for…and that is the key…passion. Even in my darkest days, it was passion for this show and its mission that got me through.
We all want to feel we have a purpose in life and if we are fortunate enough to find a way to make it a livelihood, then that’s just icing on the cake.
So here’s to Women Doing Their Own Thang! Get out there and do it! Until next time…
Watch The May Lee Show Every Sunday 8.00 pm only on Star World
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